The Brothers Smolov ( Guest article by Dr. Peter Putz )

Bench tide (2010)

Tom: everybody, what’s up?
Steve: We are sorry Sir. It’s just a difference of opinion that got out of hand.
Tom: What about?
Steve: It’s really too silly to talk about, Sir. We’d really just forget about…
Tom: I don’t give a damn about wh…at you’d rather forget about. Why were you all fighting?
Steve: some said, the dead lift was the only real lift. And that the Squat was shit. And others were big Squat fans. And it got of hand. we pushed them. They pushed us. We lost our heads, Sir. We’re Sorry.
Tom: Dudes, you’re supervisors. You can get a commission like that.
[Snaps finger]
Stev: We know, Sir. You’re 100 percent right. It will never happen again.
Tom: It better not happen again. If I see this kind of nonsense again, I’m going to write you all up. You understand?
Steve: [No answer]
Tom: Do you understand?
Steve: Yes, Sir.
Tom: You have to set an example even in the face of stupidity. Everybody who knows the lifts knows that the bench press is the only true lift. Now am I right or wrong?
Steve: You’re right, Sir.
Tom: Now get out of here.
Steve: Yes, Sir.

Wait a second, maybe I can make some buzz for Tom Furman’s Mad Methods deal…

My Mad Methods Tide (2010)

Tom: everybody, what’s up?
Steve: We are sorry Sir. It’s just a difference of opinion that got out of hand.
Tom: What about?
Steve: It’s really too silly to talk about, Sir. We’d really just forget about…
Tom: I don’t give a damn about wh…at you’d rather forget about. Why were you all fighting?
Steve: Some said, the Tom Furman should win the Mad Methods gig. And that the Cotter was shit. And others were big Cotter fans. And it got out of hand. we pushed them. They pushed us. We lost our heads, Sir. We’re Sorry.
Tom: Dudes, you’re supervisors. You can get a commission like that.
[Snaps finger]
Steve: We know, Sir. You’re 100 percent right. It will never happen again.
Tom: It better not happen again. If I see this kind of nonsense again, I’m going to write you all up. You understand?
Steve: [No answer]
Tom: Do you understand?
Steve: Yes, Sir.
Tom: You have to set an example even in the face of stupidity. Everybody who knows Mad Methods knows that Furman is the only true choice! Now am I right or wrong?
Steve: You’re right, Sir.
Tom: Now get out of here.
Steve: Yes, Sir.

What this is about training? and other assorted silliness??!

Lucky me, my partner Sergei he knows his shit…

My Experience with Dr. Peter Pütz version of Smolov base cycle.

When I started training, I used simple/popular programs like 5×5, 20-rep squats, linear cycles etc. They all have one thing in common – low frequency. After reading Stuart McRobert’s “Brawn” (which is very popular in Russia) I was 100% sure that benching or squatting 2-3 times a week is for chemically enchanted athletes only and it would kill normal (hardgainer) trainee like me.
So, after my first training year I stalled completely at 120kgx5x5 squat and 185×1 deadlift.
I switched to front squats and sumo dl’s and started to train each movement every 4-5 days – after only 4 months of such “frequent” training I hit 140 FS and 220 dead. That’s when I read about infamous Smolov cycle for the first time (It was article on, later I found original Russian article on “Why not?” – and I started it for front squats. This cycle nearly killed me, 4×9 on front is HARD. One Month later I hit easy 150.
After that I used Smolov to reach 200kg on back squats – once again that was brutally hard, so hard that I wasn’t able to force myself to do another cycle for a full year. I switched to bodybuilding-style training, with only occasional squatting or deadlifting.
Next summer after exams I had full month of freetime so I decided to devote it to serious training. I started Smolov for conventional deadlifts – crazy idea, but it worked very well. My best pull was 230 but at the beginning of the cycle I pulled hard 215, so I used conservative max of 207. Four weeks later I obliterated 245 – it was very fast for max attempt (I’m more of a “grinder” type).

One more time I used original program for block deadlifts – I didn’t gain on conventional pull (lost technique and strength from the floor), but my sumo skyrocketed to 265.

That is when I found drpp’s version – with 20% reduced tonnage. Decided to try it for squats, which I ignored for almost a year. After some intro training I hit 200kg – was good maybe for another 5kg, but that’s it. Once again, I used conservative max – last week was 155x3x9, 165x4x7, 175x5x5 and 185x6x3. Results were surprisingly good – 225. So, efficiency of this cycle was on par with original, but with much less effort and time.

I used it exclusively for squats and deads since then
275 sumo deadlift – had like 255-260 at the start.
250×4 beltless conventional pull – 225×2-3 month prior.
285 sumo – missed 300 after that. Could’ve done 290-292.5, I think.
Last cycle was particularly successful.
This summer in Russia (2010) was abnormally hot – up to 35-37? (almost 100F) + high humidity. I worked for 6 weeks on very physically demanding job, which with this insane heat resulted 7kg weight-loss for me. I almost didn’t train during that period and lost fair amount of strength.
After some intro I hit 195×3 and it was hard. One month later – 195×10 and 240×1.

Overall, I think, this version of Smolov is the single best program I ever tried (and I tried many, from 5/3/1 to Sheiko), especially for squats. Some additional thoughts:
-I always trained 3 times a week, so cycle runs 4 weeks instead of original 3 for me.
-lowering percentages a little (5-7%) might be good idea, especially for fast-twitch guys.
-volume is the key, even if your not setting any PR’s at the process, you’re getting stronger. Squatting 200×3 is not the same as 200×3 for 6 sets and after 11 heavy workouts in three weeks.
After you supercompensate you’ll be crushing your old PR’s
-week 2 is the hardest for me
-daily stretching helps a lot
-no additional work for legs/core except maybe some light abs and hyperextensions as a part of warm up
-running cycles back-to-back lowers gains even when using different exercises. 1-2 month of low volume training between them works better

Now you’re sure as hell curious, which brother did he spent time with, now am I right or wrong?

Them brothers tide (2010)

Tom: everybody, what’s up?
Steve: We are sorry Sir. It’s just a difference of opinion that got out of hand.
Tom: What about?
Steve: It’s really too silly to talk about, Sir. We’d really just forget about…
Tom: I don’t give a damn about wh…at you’d rather forget about. Why were you all fighting?
Steve: some said, the Mark I only real program. And that the Mark II was shit. And others were big Mark II fans. And it got of hand. we pushed them. They pushed us. We lost our heads, Sir. We’re Sorry.
Tom: Dudes, you’re supervisors. You can get a commission like that.
[Snaps finger]
Stev: We know, Sir. You’re 100 percent right. It will never happen again.
Tom: It better not happen again. If I see this kind of nonsense again, I’m going to write you all up. You understand?
Steve: [No answer]
Tom: Do you understand?
Steve: Yes, Sir.
Tom: You have to set an example even in the face of stupidity. Everybody who knows the program knows that the Mark III is the only true choice. Now am I right or wrong?
Steve: You’re right, Sir.
Tom: Now get out of here.
Steve: Yes, Sir.

the manifest:

them brothers excel sheet: open to the public but more than meets the eye.

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