Arguing on Facebook and The Internets

Arguing on Facebook and The Internets

“Who’s the bigger idiot, the idiot or the idiot who gets fooled by the idiot?” — Orson Welles In our current time, discussing subjects and ideas on Facebook or internet forums has replaced, to a large degree, the interactions that occurred in...
How To Be Better Than You Are Now

How To Be Better Than You Are Now

Very clearly, years ago, I was reading the MMA.TV forums, called the “Underground”. There was an area for Defensive Tactics specialist, Tony Blauer, of Canada to post to those interested. He repeated a methodology that he did not invent, but for some...
It Ain’t The Weight

It Ain’t The Weight

After the holidays there is a rush to, “lose weight”. Almost everyone worries if they picked up extra poundage over Thanksgiving and Christmas. As if dieting in January, after those same old resolutions are made, has a different effect than dieting in...
Please Fold!

Please Fold!

While there are an infinite number of motions that the human body can attempt, the gross, common or main movements can be summed up in just a few. Dan John likes to summarize them this way.  Upper Body Pull Upper Body Push Squat Hinge Weighted Carry My preference is...

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