Peter Puetz – On the fly.  Witness the birth of the first Interactive Adapive Squat System…
Every four or five weeks – depending on if you squat 3 or 4 times per week –  test 10RM, 5RM and 3RM,

Calc 1RM like so:

1RM = 3RM * Q3

where Q3 = 1.099


Ql= 1RM/5RM


Qh = 1RM/10RM.

So now we have two parameters, Q5 = 1.165 and Q10 = 1.33 and two individual estimates Ql and Qh…

Define the following four states:

1. Qh > 1.33 & Ql > 1.165
2. Qh < 1.33 & Ql < 1.165
3. Qh < 1.33 & Ql > 1.165
4. Qh > 1.33 & Ql < 1.165 We need four programs to shift the respective Ql and Qh back to the average state… OK, one program with four faces, …MARK X the final and lost Brother Smolov! MARK Xa Qh > 1.33 & Ql > 1.165

70% x 7 reps x 3 sets
75% x 5 reps x 2 sets
80% x 3 reps x 2 set
85% x 1 rep x 3 set

week 2 +5.0%
week 3 +7.5%


Qh < 1.33 & Ql < 1.165 70% x 7 reps x 1 set
75% x 5 reps x 2 set
80% x 3 reps x 3 sets
85% x 1 rep x 6 sets

week 2 +5.0%
week 3 +7.5%


Qh > 1.33 & Ql < 1.165 70% x 7 reps x 1 sets
75% x 5 reps x 5 sets
80% x 3 reps x 3 set
85% x 1 rep x 3 set

week 2 +5.0%
week 3 +7.5%


Qh < 1.33 & Ql > 1.165

70% x 7 reps x 1 sets
75% x 5 reps x 3 sets
80% x 3 reps x 5 set
85% x 1 rep x 3 set

week 2 +5.0%
week 3 +7.5%

Log the Q estimates over the course of the year, four weeks in front of a tournament make damn sure that Qh and Ql are as high as possible for potential peak performance.

I put this in the public domain and expect no less than every single world record shall be rewritten in due time.
Lets see where the human limits really are.
To the nay sayers, you are lacking smarts, imagination and visions… Dr. Peter Putz

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