Recently I lost a friend, Presscott McDonald. I met him through the art world. He was a very charismatic, young, man. Ridiculously talented. A former protege' of Annie Leibovitz and a gifted photographer. 


We spoke about a year ago about his weight issues. Presscott looked to be 400 plus pounds. He didn't like his experience with Overeaters Anonymous and would often mention nonsense like the, "Master Cleanse" for some sort of immediate solution. He would also mention gastric bypass surgery as well. Of course, it's possible to out eat that surgery and I pointed this out to him. 


I stressed the idea of assuming responsibility and by doing so, it empowers you. You are in control over your destiny. If you are control, others are not. You are behind the wheel. 


Of course we went over basic macronutrients, calories, energy formula, etc. We were bartering services, so I told him I was available for questions, motivation or strategy. 


Apparently it was not enough. Being accountable is the first step in success and I barely heard from Presscott for months. 


He passed away from a heart attack. It's sad. Very sad. Rest in peace, my friend. 

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