Coach Dan John, in the prelude to one of his incredible DVD presentations said to, “….not moralize in the weight room”. This is quite a mouthful and the philosophy has spilled over to my thinking in a number of areas.

It’s a logical fallacy to focus on extremes and avoid middle ground. It’s also an adolescent thought process to see things in black and white and avoid the shades of gray. For one thing to be good, the other doesn’t have to be bad. There is NO best, there is different.

Examples you ask? Let’s take medicine. An individual avoids orthopedic specialists, fearing surgery for his ailing tennis elbow. He instead goes to an acupuncturist and gets relief. Then he loudly proclaims that, “Western Medicine was useless for my injury and Eastern Medicine is the only way to go”. Of course his experience is anecdotal and useless, but the compelling nature of testimony with emotion and much bloviation weigh far more heavily than PubMed in swaying the sheep.

Another emotional area is diet. I’d imagine if you are starving, ANY food seems like a good idea. Realize there are only four macronutrients, water, protein, carbohydrates and fat. [alcohol could be the fifth]. As far as I know they hold no Biblical value in terms of morality. No pointy ears with tails or alternatively, halos above their head. Yet they are considered good and evil depending on whose camp you live in. I remember going to the Unicorn Store and Restaurant, a natural food/granola head hang out in the 80’s and buying GLUTEN rolls. They were cool then. Now they are evil. Bacon use to be evil, now it is good. Carbs used to be good, now they are bad. Hormones used to be dangerous, now they can make you a movie star and get you elected to govern California.

Imagine plastic surgery. When a women gets her breasts enhanced, that is supposed to be bad. When the same surgeon flies to a third world country to repair cleft palates, that form of plastic surgery is good.

This mental template can be applied to religion, politics, education, socializing, etc. Remember even relationships are based on a moral premise. If you met your future mate at a church function, that is good. At a bar? Not so much.

The next time you use the terms, good and bad, consider what you are saying. It’s quite invigorating to be unshackled from moral bondage.

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